Key Findings

Sponsor-to-Sponsor Exits Continue to Dominate: Sponsor-to-sponsor (S2S) exits represented 68 percent of all PE-backed exits with an enterprise value equal to or greater than $1 billion in 2024, tripling in volume over the past two years.

Technology Leads Exit Activity: Technology companies comprised 31 percent of PE-backed exits of companies with enterprise values over $1 billion in 2024, making it the dominant sector, followed by industrials (16 percent) and healthcare (13 percent).

Market Expansion as the Top Value Creation Driver: Market expansion strategies were responsible for 51 percent of exits exceeding $1 billion in 2024, outpacing M&A (15 percent) and performance improvement (12 percent).

North America Remains the Hub for Mega Exits: The US accounted for over 50 percent of PE-backed exits of companies with enterprise values over $1 billion in 2024, cementing its position as the epicenter of private equity activity.